To carry out research into traditional practices that affect the sexual and reproductive health of women and girl children in The Gambia.

To identify and promote traditional practices that improves the status of girl-children and women.

To create awareness on the effects of harmful traditional practices on the health of girl-children and women, in particular FGM, nutritional taboos, child/early marriages and wife inheritance.

To promote and encourage the education of girls at all levels.

To sensitize and lobby, decision and policy makers, about socio-cultural practices that are harmful to the health of girl-children and women.


To promote and protect the human rights of girl-children and women.

To create awareness on international and national instruments that address discrimination and violence against girl-children and women.

To solicit funds locally and externally for the purpose of carrying out the above objectives.

To influence policies in promoting and protecting women and children’s rights.

To use the rights based approach into our activities.

To promote the political participation and representation of women in elective decision making positions.

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